Connect Children With Creativity and Community

By giving to DrawBridge, you directly support the children who participate in our program. Make a gift online today.

Donate Now

Or write a check for “DrawBridge” and send to:
P.O. Box 2698
San Rafael, CA 94912-2698

Your donation translates to tangible results:

  • $75 – Provide art supplies for DrawBridge children
  • $200 – Provide a site with studio materials and equipment
  • $500 – Fund one child’s attendance for a year
  • $1,500 – Underwrite a DrawBridge Community Artist
  • $3,500 – Support a DrawBridge facilitator
  • $10,000 – Sponsor a DrawBridge site

Planned Giving

Extend your legacy with a planned gift to Drawbridge through a will or trust, gifts of stock and appreciated assets, or a retirement plan. For more information contact DrawBridge today.

Fundraise for Us

  • Take up a collection at work during the holidays or at birthday parties
  • Set up a crowd-funding site and use your social media contacts to raise funds
  • Ask your employer about charitable programs the company offers
  • Provide a dynamic event space and let us create the event
  • Collect auction items for donation to DrawBridge
  • Donate the use of a vacation house or service as an auction item
  • Help us acquire the art supplies requested by our art group Facilitators. Visit our Blick Art Materials Wish List.

If you are interested in hosting an event benefiting DrawBridge, we would be happy to support you with marketing materials, information and in many other ways. Contact us at for more information.